Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ethical Lapses

After discussing that incredible world war two letter regarding the treatment and disposal of human beings in class my eyes have really been opened as to how language and word choice can affect the meaning and interpretations of things. Although the content of the letter was atrocious I think the author actually did a very good job at masking the inhumanities of which he was writing about by using certain phrases and word choices. We discussed in class that this author probably wrote the letter like this because he did not necessarily agree with what he was writing about. Perhaps the subject itself made him uncomfortable and because of this he really avoided the upsetting parts of it. I think that a good underlying principle to take out of this letter is that although you may not always enjoy what you are doing or agree with it there is always a level of professionalism that should be maintained and that even if you don't enjoy it there is always a way to do it and do it well. Also, wording is everything.

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